Market Snapshot
Quotes are delayed, as of January 23, 2025, 07:53:34 PM CST or prior.
Cattle Rally to New All Time Highs -

Live cattle futures extended the rally on Thursday, with contracts up another 80 cents to $1.05. A few cash sales have come in at $201 in the South,

Cotton Futures Post Strength on Thursday -

Cotton futures closed out the Thursday session with contracts up 26 to 33 points. Crude oil futures were down $1.17/barrel on the day. The US

Wheat Closes Mixed on Thursday -

Wheat futures closed out the Thursday session mixed with the hard wheats falling lower. Chicago SRW futures came back to steady/fractionally higher

Soybeans Rebounds on Wednesday -

Soybeans posted 6 to 10 cent gains across the nearbys on Thursday, bouncing back from the Wednesday losses. CmdtyView’s national front month Cash

Hogs Close Mixed on Thursday -

Lean hog futures posted mixed trade on Thursday, with nearby Feb up 65 cents and other nearby contracts steady to 7 cents lower. The national

Corn Holds onto Thursday Rally -

Corn futures posted gains across the board on Thursday, as new crop kept up the pace with old crop and contracts 4 to 6 cents higher. The national

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